Terrene Odyssey Wiki

Terreria is a typical Terrain Card.

Terrain Cards are a type of card available in Terrene Odyssey. Terrain cards produce the amount of Actions a player gets each turn, have XP trees on them that determine how Characters grow when they gain XP, and have Trigger effects that benefit certain combinations of Character Affiliations.

Terrain Switches[ | ]

Once per turn, a player may switch their active Terrain Card. Each player may only have one Terrain active at a time and switching active Terrains does not change any of Characters' previously earned XP Rewards. XP gained later will follow the new trees picking off at the XP tier where the Character had previously left off. Inactive Terrain cards are not discarded and may be reactivated on a later turn.

XP Rewards[ | ]

When a character defeats another character by attacking, using an ability or activating an item or command, the victor receives XP equal to the defeated character's LV. The bonus for this XP is determined by the Terrain card of the victorious character.

Wasted XP[ | ]

If a character's defeat cannot be credited to a character in an opposing party, no XP is awarded.

If a character if [sic]defeated in a way that has no connection to another Character (such as a Storm Effect) that card gains the XP. Since only Characters can use XP, the XP is wasted.[1]

Wasted XP is not assigned to any Character, thus no Character benefits from gaining it.

Cards that can cause wasted XP[ | ]

Storms[ | ]


Firestorm is a typical Storm.

Some Terrains are considered Storms. These cards have symmetrical effects that activate at the beginning of the next turn for the player that played it. After their turn of effect, Storms will dismiss themselves (even if they become inactive before the end of the turn), making their effects temporary. Because their effects are temporary, the XP trees for storms hold greater rewards and players may not begin the game with a Storm as their Terrain. Storms commonly generate fewer Actions than other Terrain cards, but playing a Storm does not immediately reduce the number of Actions a player has available.

See also[ | ]

References[ | ]

  1. Rulebook p.11